
Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa
Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa.

Warm greetings.

It’s a privilege to be Principal of Selwyn Ridge where we all ‘Soar High - Kia Hokahoka Kahurangi!’

Striving to be the best we can be and growing the mind - whakaaro, heart - manawa, and toolbox - kete is what we’re about. We provide a rich school curriculum that is holistic and strengths based. Key focus questions at Selwyn Ridge are ‘What is powerful learning?’ And ‘What is it powerful to learn?’ Practices are aligned so that support for the best possible teaching and learning is linked to our school vision.

We have a talented team of teaching and support staff who work together to create the best possible teaching and learning opportunities for our children. With a school culture built around our strong school values and demonstrated in the many exciting things that happen around our school.

We look forward to working in partnership with our Selwyn Ridge whanau.

Ngā manaakitanga

Craig Price


Our Policies

All our school policies and procedures are available for you to view online. Families and whanau are asked to review and provide feedback on our policies and procedures.


Selwyn Ridge School Policies and Procedures:
Username: selwynridge
Password: soaringhigh

Click to View

Strategic and Annual Plan, Annual Report






Our Team


Craig Price
Position: Principal
Class: -
Tanya Healy
Position: Deputy Principal / SENCO
Class: -
Kim Abbot
Position: Associate Principal
Class: -


Team Kōtuku

Roz Salter
Position: Teacher - Year 1 Team Leader - Kōtuku
Class: Room 4
Treena Korzelius
Position: Teacher - Year 3
Class: Room 2
Maree Van Mil
Position: Teacher - Year 3
Class: Room 3
Lisa Ioane
Position: Teacher - Year 1/2
Class: Room 7
Tracey Hall
Position: Teacher-Year 1
Class: Room 1
Alicia Crompton
Position: Teacher - Year 6
Class: Room 5
Katie McKenzie
Position: Teacher - Year 5
Class: Room 6


Team Toroa

Erin Neilson
Position: Teacher - Year 4. Team leader Toroa
Class: Room 11
Rachel Stevens
Position: Teacher - Year 3
Class: Room 10
Nadean Robinson
Position: Teacher - Year 2
Class: Room 12
Martin DeBarr
Position: Teacher - year 4/5
Class: Room 8
Hayley Coleman
Position: Teacher - Year 4
Class: Room 11
Christina Kelemete
Position: Teacher Year 1
Class: Room 9


Team Kāhu

Andrea White
Position: Teacher - Year 4
Class: Room 18
Wendy Newbury
Position: Teacher - Year 2
Class: Room 16
Leah Mikaere
Position: Teacher - Year 5/6
Class: Room 14
Danielle Aldersley
Position: Teacher - Year 3
Class: Room 15
Bonnie Drewe
Position: Teacher
Class: Room 17
Stacey Carmichael
Position: Teacher - Year 6 Team leader - Kāhu
Class: Room 13



Sharon Leggett
Position: Administration Executive
Class: -
Diana Tomich
Position: Office administrator, Librarian
Class: -
Letishia Griebenauw
Position: Office administrator Teacher Aide
Class: -
Email: -


Teacher Aides

Cathy McDermott
Position: Teacher aide
Class: -
Chelsea Findsen
Position: Teacher Aide
Class: -
Jackie Eades
Position: Teacher Aide
Class: -
Jo Wiles
Position: Teacher Aide
Class: -
Wynsome Bodnar
Position: Teacher Aide
Class: -
Jessica Vercoe
Position: Teacher Aide
Class: -
Email: -
Simon Smith
Position: Teacher Aide
Class: -
Email: -
Letishia Griebenauw
Position: Office administrator Teacher Aide
Class: -
Email: -
Paige Evemy
Position: Teacher aide
Class: -
Email: -



Julie Taylor
Position: Sports Co-ordinator
Class: -
Dan Moore
Position: Garden to Table
Class: -
Email: -
Chelsea Findsen
Position: Garden to Table - Kitchen
Class: -
Email: -
Linda Hales
Position: Literacy Specialist
Class: -
Becky Smith
Position: Literacy specialist Release teacher
Class: -



Rob Taylor
Position: Caretaker
Class: -


Release Teachers

Rod Scott
Position: Release teacher
Class: -
Shannon Findon
Position: Release teacher
Class: -
Mandy Veza
Position: Release teacher
Class: -
Email: -
Scott Feisst
Position: Release teacher
Class: -
Inez Tucker
Position: Release teacher
Class: -
Email: -
Stephanie Crummer
Position: Release teacher
Class: -
Email: -
Helena Murphy
Position: Release Teacher
Class: -


Board Of Trustees

Michael Wright
Position: BOT Parent Representative
Class: -
Email: -
Steve Murray
Position: BOT Parent Representative
Class: -
Email: -
Todd Whittaker
Position: BOT Parent Representative
Class: -
Email: -
Matthew Thomas
Position: BOT Parent Representative
Class: -
Email: -
Katrina McChesney
Position: BOT Chairperson
Class: -
Sharon Leggett
Position: Administration Executive
Class: -
Leah Mikaere
Position: Teacher - Year 5/6
Class: Room 14
Craig Price
Position: Principal
Class: -